dinsdag 9 juli 2013

Summary of all Coins that were never launched

(do not have bitcoin characteristics )

eCash historical try for digital curency by David Chaum, operational but died. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DigiCash
DigiCash was the company that made eCash . Possibly where Bitcoin came from.
Ripples XRP-  , no mining - all coins available at start 80% foundation, and 20% develeopers. centralized, not opensource. not designed to be a currency, but an IOU exchange. Very innovative and usefull, but "not an altcoin"
Amazon Coin - centralized private scrip launched by Amazon and pegged to USD, not cryptographic at all, just a name.
WEEDS never realy active and now dead
Groupcoin - still alive but never realy active  
Opencoin - opensource version of digicash, opencoin.org , not launched yet
RealPay  100% coins at start, centralized, never realy launched ,site is dead
Qubic coins are produced at the rate determined by quorum of miners, not set by developers. Never launched.
Swiftcoin company operated, centralized and pegged, not opensource http://www.firstnationalbnak.com/faq
SMC smallchange functioning blockchain, but made just for research. might be a coin if reset.
-barcoin-functioning blockchain, but made just for research.

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